

Understanding that healthy is not just a number.

In 60 seconds, our body scanner gives you a unique experience and a full report of your body composition

  • Weight

  • Visual fat vs internal fat

  • Muscle Mass

  • Calories to reach your goal

  • Bio Age


There’s more to health than kilos. Our report uses over 40 measures to show noticeable results.

We get it. We’ve all been there. You join a gym – sometimes with a friend, sometimes by yourself, often on January 1 or the first week of spring – and vow to work out every day, eat better and get ready for — summer, a class reunion, a wedding, whatever.

Then two or three weeks later you jump on a scale and see you have lost a grand total of one kilo. All that sweat, sacrifice, time and we lose the equivalent of a small bag of coffee. Your motivation and enthusiasm goes out the door with you when you leave the gym. What’s the point, if all that effort isn’t going to make your body look great or help you feel better?

But with our Bia Bio Scan you’ll see where the real changes are being made. Perhaps your weight isn’t moving so fast but you're gaining muscle and dropping fat. That’s something to be proud of!


Keeping track of real progress.

Our state-of-the-art technology lets you know, scientifically, that what you’re doing is working. Are you doing the right workouts? Are you eating properly? Is your body responding to what you are doing? By analysing the information provided by the Bia Bio scan, you and your trainer can provide the answers to these questions and more.

Allowing us to make real progress and ensure you’re on the right track with your exercise regimen. You’ll see immediately if your body fat has decreased, if your muscle mass has increased and, yes, if you’ve lost some weight. In a nutshell, you’ll see if you’re healthier than when you started a few weeks ago. And if on the off chance you’re not, we’ll adjust your program to help you reach your goals.

Access to this info can be a great motivator, help you understand your body better and show you areas for improvement. All info is delivered in an easy-to-understand way that can keep you on the right track to a better, healthier you.
— Quote Source

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