meal combination ideas


meal ideas based on Rule 2: Limit your food choices to the following categories - protein, legumes and vegetables

Grilled chicken breast with steamed broccoli and a side of lentils. 

Pan-seared salmon with sautéed spinach and a side of green beans. 

Ground turkey lettuce wraps with diced tomatoes, cucumbers and mushrooms. 

Grilled pork chops with sautéed kale and a side of chickpeas. 

Tofu stir-fry with mixed vegetables and a side of brown rice. 

Egg and vegetable omelet with a side of sautéed mushrooms. 

Grilled steak with a side of roasted vegetables. 

Baked salmon with a side of quinoa and a salad of mixed greens. 

Turkey chili made with ground turkey, kidney beans and diced tomatoes, served with a side of mixed greens. 

Vegetable omelette made with eggs, spinach, mushrooms and onions. 

Air fried or grilled chicken breast, peppers and onions, served with a side of mixed greens. 

Lentil and vegetable stew made with lentils, spinach, carrots, tomatoes and onion, served with a side of mixed greens. 

Choose 3 to 7 different meal combinations and eat those over and over. This will help you to stay commited. 

breakfast meal ideas

Egg and Vegetable Scramble: Scramble eggs with spinach, mushrooms, onions, and diced tomatoes. Serve with a side of mixed greens.

Tofu Breakfast Bowl: Crumble tofu and mix with diced vegetables, such as bell peppers and onions. Serve with a side of mixed greens and avocado slices. 

Lentil and Vegetable Omelette: Mix cooked lentils with diced vegetables and add to an omelette made with eggs. Serve with a side of mixed greens. 

Breakfast Salad: Top mixed greens with diced tomatoes, cucumbers, hard-boiled eggs, and sliced avocado. Add a side of grilled chicken or turkey bacon. 

Protein Smoothie: Blend together frozen mixed berries and slow release-casein protein powder.