
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

What is EMS and how does it work?

Electrical Muscle Stimulation, or EMS, is a full body workout targeting multiple muscle groups simultaneously. A traditional workout may only use 40% of your muscles or less whereas EMS engages up to over 90%. This means EMS workouts are very time efficient, so a 20-minute EMS workout can be the equivalent and more to a normal 90-minute conventional gym session.

Is EMS safe and does it hurt?

Yes, it’s safe. EMS training has been scientifically proven to be safe and effective by reputable sports institutions. Training using low-frequency current stimulation applied by physios and sports scientists as a complementary exercise and rehabilitation tool has been used since the 1960s. And no, EMS training is not painful. The sensation of electrical current stimulating your muscles is unusual but something most people get used to very quickly.

How many times do I need to train and how quickly will I see results?

Your results depend on how much effort you put into it. To see optimum results - twice a week is recommended. Scientific studies have shown the amazing results utilising EMS training programs: 9% body fat loss, 30% increase in strength, 89% of people felt stronger and fitter. Changes can usually be seen after four sessions or less depending on your lifestyle. No matter how well you train – if you start eating against your interest, your results will not be sustainable. But don’t worry- we even have a solution for your diet needs.

Can I do EMS as an addition to my normal workout routine?

Yes, you can. Ideal additions to EMS training include activities such as yoga or pilates as well as any type of cardio training. The recovery phase of an EMS session is typically 24 to 48 hours, similar to a conventional training session. High-intensity resistance training, e.g. lifting heavy weights, is another great addition to EMS training but should be avoided during the recovery phase. All other sports related activities can be continued as normal.

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What does a training session feel like?

A Shape20 workout using EMS is a fast (20 minutes) and effective way to stimulate more of your muscle fibres than a conventional session in the gym. But what does it actually feel like to attend an EMS training session with us?

After we’ve had a chat about your goals and gone through a couple of short medical questions we need to cover, you’ll put on our exercise suit. You will get special undergarments from us to wear underneath, so the electrodes in the suit can effectively activate your muscles. The suit and undergarments are made from hygienic, antibacterial fabrics, and is  thoroughly sanitised after each use without exemption.


When you do your first workout,
your trainer won’t be pushing you too hard
(if you’re not specifically asking for it).

The first session is all about getting yourself used to the feel of the system, while the trainer assesses what fitness level you're at. So you’ll do some basic exercises, with the trainer slowly increasing the intensity.

With the impulse you’ll feel your muscles contract. It might be a new sensation for you, but it’s not an unpleasant feeling.

Once your first session is complete, you’re ready for your first full 20 minute workout. The level of intensity is up to you, which makes Shape20 a great workout alternative as it’s fully customisable to you and your goals.

Because the Shape20 system is wireless, you still have total freedom in your movements when you train. So the exercise suits can be used for just about any type of exercise.


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