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We’re a team, and teammates support each other – always.

This is why when we sat down to put the best safety measures in place, we made sure everyone and everything was accounted for.

On this page you can see our opening plan and the extensive safety precautions we’ve put in place. We’ll be constantly fine-tuning and updating this page with the latest—so you can check back anytime. We’re 100% dedicated to the cleanliness of our studio and the health and safety of our members. Now, as we always do, we’re taking it to the next level.



Let staff at the front desk know when you arrive, and they’ll check in for you. Plan to arrive at least 10 minutes before your session begins as usual. At this time, we won't allow entry beyond the start of class.


Our staff in all of our studios have been trained to continually maintain a minimum of 6feet between themselves and our members. We ask that customers also respect the 1.5 metre rule whenever possible. Our individualised small group training ensures you and your trainer will remain distanced for the duration of your sessions. All of our trainers will wear masks and welcome you to wear one as well. Our training relies on you wearing an EMS suit, but you will have the option to workout with or without traditional equipment (ie., weights, bands, balls, etc.) to avoid unnecessary surface contact.


As opposed to large gyms or other group fitness classes, Shape20 is individual or small group training consisting of max 3 participants.


We’ll be allowing all members the option to strap into their Shape20 EMS suit themselves. We usually assist in the strapping process and still can help but members are now welcome to do this themselves with us guiding them from a distance of 1.5 metres.


We will regularly check the temperature of our staff and ask that you monitor your own as well before coming in.





Top-grade Disinfectant and more frequent cleaning.

Staff will use an EPA approved disinfectant proven to kill viruses like COVID-19 in all common areas before and after check-ins—with a heightened attention to our EMS suits, weights, and all high-touch surfaces after every session. We’ll also be cleaning the studio from top to bottom twice as often per week.


Disinfecting high-touch surfaces.

After every class, we’ll disinfect doorknobs, handles, rails, light switches, sanitising stations, bathrooms, sinks, toilets, benches, the front desk, keyboards, computers, phones, and instructor equipment.


All suits disinfected.

After every training session, every suit will be thoroughly disinfected.


All training rooms and weights disinfected.

After every training session, all weights and training rooms will be thoroughly disinfected.


It’s our Shape20 community who keep each other safe.

  • Please make sure to practice social distancing.

  • If you have a cough, fever, or symptoms of covid-19, please do not come to the studio until you’re symptom-free and fever-free for three days.

  • If you have tested positive for covid-19, or have knowingly come into close contact with someone who has, we ask that you do not come to the studio for 14 days or until you’ve tested negative for covid-19.

  • If you feel unwell or have any concerns about coming in, please stay home and stay safe. We’ll happily add your session back to your account, and welcome you back when you’re healthy and feel comfortable coming back.


Find out how we can make EMS training work for you
